Anonymous users and aspx pages inside the _layouts folder

I ran smack into an issue that was looking to be a serious problem yesterday. One of my development projects (SharePoint) is an anonymous access public-facing website. This site using built-in SharePoint web services and the download.aspx page in the \_layouts directory to facilitate lookup of related documents and provide download capability. The issue? Anonymous users can’t use any of the application pages in the \_layouts folder. Lots of head scratching and some creative Google searches led me to the “DotNetIdeas” blog, specifically this post.

Fastest XML Editor/Viewer

I use Visual Studio every day for just about all of my development tasks. However, I attempted to open a large xml file (> 20 megs) and Visual studio spiked up to 1.5 gigs of memory consumption and I couldn’t do anything… My old standby notepad++ (great editor!) also hung on opening the file. A quick search yielded First Object’s XML Editor. Worked great. Super fast.

Occasional SPException from GetListItemDataWithCallback

Wrote a new field control today (SharePoint) that queried a specific list in another site collection based on the value of a field from the current list item. This worked great each time I’d test it out and add some additional functionality. When I finished the control, I did a little harder testing by hitting the refresh button in my browser over and over again. Randomly, my control wouldn’t render. Other times it would be fine.

Unable to delete field in SharePoint library

Trying to delete a field in a SharePoint library and get the message “Cannot complete this action. Pleast try again.”? This drove me nuts, as even invoking the delete method via the object model gives this message. What I found to allow a delete was pushing down changes via the content type gallery in the site collection (if the field was ever a part of that content type). This can be found by going to the following:

Terminal Cancer Patient gets restored car

From AutoBlog: Tyler Shipman was an 18-year-old Fiero nut from Frazee, Minnesota. In the middle of restoring his favorite car last October he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and posted a note on a Fiero forum to ask for help with the restoration so that he wouldn’t leave his parents with the burden. He got his wish. In the middle of this crazy all and everything, Tyler is more proof that simple humanity still works.

The right tools for the job

This post is more for my own self-reference later, but others may find it helpful too. I’ve been looking to do some modification to the k-member on my car whenever the weather warms up. This will involve removing the k-member before any of the work can be done. Most seem to do this while the engine is removed, but I’d rather not go through that again. I’ve been doing some reading on how to do this the safest way with the engine still in the car, and here are the tools I’m looking at:

XSLT that emits source XML

I got this from a friend and have found it very useful for debugging my XSLT from content query web parts and data view web parts in Visual Studio. The below XSLT will output the source XML given to it: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl"> <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/> <xsl:template match="@ node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@ node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>

If clients treated architects like they treat software designers…

I ran across this the other day and found it funny. A google search reveals that it may be from a mailing list from around 2000. If clients treated architects like they treat software designers… Dear Mr. Architect, Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted.

IE8 Standards Mode and MOSS

Using IE8 Standards Mode with MOSS has been fairly trouble-free so far. However, the richhtmlfield editor throws javascript errors when the page is in IE8 Standards mode. Without switching to the Telerik control or defaulting all of my pages to IE7 mode - there is a simpler fix! Enable IE7 compatability mode only on your edit pages. My master page had the IE8 meta tag: <meta equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> right under the head element.

Fixing a noisy toilet

I’ve had to replace the flappers in all of my toilets in the 2 years I’ve been in my house. I thought that installing the higher quality flapper would be the last toilet fixes I’d be doing…I was wrong. First, here’s what the inside of most toilet tanks look like: Last night the toilet in the master bath started sounding like somebody was filling the tank with a high pressure water hose.